Jason Amis

coordinador del programa Equipo de incendios y acampe del Centro Job Corps de Conservación Civil de Angell, ayuda a los estudiantes a comenzar un futuro en el Servicio Forestal preparándoles para la certificación de controladores lógicos programables.


Forestry Conservation and Firefighting

Forestry Conservation and Firefighting

On the job, you will ...

  • Work to measure and improve the quality of forests 

  • Use digging and planting tools to plant seedlings and power saws to cut down diseased trees 

  • Provide technical assistance regarding the conservations of soil, water, forests and related natural resources 

  • Control and put out fires 

  • Respond to emergencies involving life, property or the environment, including disaster aid, search-and-rescue operations, and traffic accidents 

  • Provide medical attention in a variety of situations 

Some of the career options you will have ...

Most Forestry Conservation and Firefighting graduates go on to become forest conservation and firefighting specialists. Forestry conservation and firefighting specialists spend most of their time outdoors and have very physically demanding tasks. Those interested in this career should be able to follow directions well because of the risks involved with this job. They work in close-knit teams in forested and wooded areas. 

Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Fire Management and Advanced Forestry training area and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway. 

The credentials you will earn ...

In the Forestry Conservation and Firefighting training program, you can earn industry-recognized credentials from such organizations as the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), the Professional Landcare Network (PLANET) and the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP).  

Students will also become Pack Test-certified and earn a certification in basic first aid and CPR. Students will also gain the ability to work in steep terrain and in extreme temperatures, altitude and smoke while maintaining the ability to meet unforeseen emergencies. 

Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program. 

What you’ll need to start training ...

  • Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers) 

  • Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses 

  • Passing scores on all written and performance test 

  • Meet academic (math and reading) requirements 

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Renewable Resources and Energy

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Job Corps offers training in the following renewable resources and energy areas. Get started today.

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Forestry Conservation and Firefighting professionals work to measure and improve the quality of forests.

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